Verdi illustrations
52 illustrations elementsVerdi is acute character that will add a nice touch to your website, app or presentation. The Character design is simple enough to work as a great guide pages mascot, tell stories with it without interfering to much with your original design
The Verdi Illustration Pack brings fresh and innovative approaches to your design projects. Since all the illustrations were made in Adobe Illustrator, they are fully editable, meaning you can change colors, movements, and composition as you like. What really sets this pack apart is the creative use it gives to its custom brushes for character arms and legs. Yep-you heard that right: brushes! Just draw an outset and apply the brush, and voilà-your ideas unfold before your eyes. And your possibilities are endless!
We wanted to be as flexible as possible. Because of this, the whole pack is provided in .svg and .ai to let you scale vectors as you want, in .png to easily drag and drop into your designs, and also in ready-to-use libraries for Sketch, Figma, and Adobe XD.
Unleash your imagination with the Verdi Illustration Pack—a very versatile, innovative tool that can add personality and movement to any design! ✨